Future-Proof Your Website:

Migrating to Drupal 10 is Crucial Now!

Free Audit - Expert Guidance for a Short and Smooth Transition

Book Your Free 30-Minute Pre-Audit Session

Our expert team is here to help you make this essential move smoothly, ensuring you fully understand the potential consequences for your business and end-users. We are here for you. As Drupal 7 reaches its end of life, your organization faces critical decisions. Staying with outdated technology poses significant risks, but upgrading to Drupal 10 unlocks powerful benefits. Understand why making the move now is essential for your business continuity and growth

Free Audit of your site to evaluate the readiness and risks in upgrading. 

Book Your Free 30-Minute Pre-Audit Session
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What to expect from us
In our first meeting, you will receive a pre-audit of your situation/platform and will understand what will be required in terms of risks, re-working process needed, and an estimation of deadlines. After that, our expert team will also provide a free detailed audit process with a comprehensive report about the work required, in details. There is no obligation at all - we’re here to point you in the right direction!
How we will do it:

Our unique methodology will guide you through your migration journey, providing reports and a free audit process that will precisely outline what needs to be done and how.

Free Audit Report

Book a time with our experts to get your free comprehensive audit-report to understand what it takes to migrate your website to Drupal 10. We'll provide personalized advice related to Theme, Modules and Data, as well as a clear roadmap for your migration. So you can decide if you will do it with us or with your internal team.

Comprehensive Drupal Migration Support

Our team offers full-service migration support, ensuring every aspect of your transition to Drupal 10 is smooth and efficient.

Acquia Migrate Accelerate (AMA) Tool

If you’re an Acquia user, leverage the Acquia Migrate Accelerate (AMA) tool to handle, for example, 70% of your migration. For the remaining 30%, our team provides expert support to integrate additional features and custom functionalities.

Still not sure? Understand Why Upgrade Now
The Risks of Not Migrating from Drupal 7 for you and/or your clients

🔒  Security and Compliance Risks - Without regular security updates, Drupal 7 sites become prime targets for cyber-attacks, and outdated software may no longer comply with industry regulations and standards.

  • Impact on Clients: End users' personal and financial information is at greater risk of being compromised, leading to potential data breaches, loss of trust, negative publicity, and client attrition. Additionally, it can result in legal and financial penalties, damaging your reputation and driving clients to more secure and compliant service providers.

🚀  Performance and Support Challenges - Outdated technology not only slows down your site, frustrating users and driving them to competitors, but the upcoming end of official support for Drupal 7 exacerbates the problem.

  • Impact on Clients: Slow load times and poor website performance frustrate end users, leading to higher bounce rates and lower customer satisfaction. Without reliable support, issues take longer to resolve, leading to prolonged downtimes and a subpar user experience resulting in dissatisfaction and client attrition.

💡  Innovation Killing - New modules and technologies may not be compatible with Drupal 7, limiting your site’s capabilities and user experience

  • Impact on Clients: Your inability to integrate the latest features and tools means your clients miss out on innovative functionalities and improvements. This limits their ability to compete in their respective markets, prompting them to seek more advanced and adaptable service providers. 
Stories Like These Are Why We Exist
We're passionate about simplifying software development, making it seamless and empowering businesses to achieve exceptional results effortlessly.
Scott Lenzi
Director of Digital Experience
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Code Engine Studio is a true partner in helping us achieve our site goals. They aren’t just hands-on-the-keys resources, they’re a team of developers that want to understand our business objectives and help define and deliver the best solutions to achieve them.
Kate Bartkiewicz
Digital Marketing Analyst & Co-Founder, Clickvoyant
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Code Engine Studio has made innovative suggestions that helped us improve our product and they have taken us from concept to market-ready in a few months, without a huge investment in the documentation or extensive meetings on our end.
Danica Remy
President, B612 & Co-Founder, Asteroid Day
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Code Engine Studio is our digital partner in our mission to educate the public about asteroids. Their expertise in transforming our complex web of sites into a cohesive platform has been pivotal. We rely on them for everything from web architecture to managing peak traffic surges.
Greg Ramsay
Founder, Made it Legal
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Code Engine Studio has been more than a developer for Made It Legal, they have been a strategic advisor and trusted voice on our team. Whether mapping out an MVP strategy for our tech that fits our current business needs and budget, providing user experience expertise, or creating a development strategy that matches our ambitious road map, Code Engine Studio has been a key player in the success of Made It Legal.
Mia Umamos
Product Owner, Rappler
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Code Engine Studio has set the bar for delivery and customer service as a strategic technology partner. They helped us understand all the implications of our decisions and made sure we didn't pigeon hole ourselves into a place where we couldn't scale our tech.
Head of International IT Services, The Organization
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Code Engine Studio (CES) has been instrumental in our Liferay environments, especially with the system upgrade and migration to DXP 7.2 in the first quarter of 2022. The migration tools developed by CES were crucial for a successful data migration. The CES team's dedication, including working long and odd hours, ensured a flawless Go Live.
Consequences of staying on Drupal 7

The consequences of staying on Drupal 7 extend beyond your internal operations - they directly impact your clients and their satisfaction with your services. A compromised, slow, and outdated platform not only jeopardizes your security and compliance but also undermines the trust and loyalty of your clients. In today’s competitive landscape, providing a seamless, secure, and efficient user experience is paramount. Failing to do so not only risks losing current clients but also diminishes your ability to attract new ones.

What you will get from the migration process:
Enhanced performance and scalability

Drupal 10 offers a better architecture, leading to enhanced performance and scalability.

Cost Reduction and Improved Speed

Experience optimized server performance, reducing costs and improving speed.

Fast Site Management

Clean up your platform and enjoy easier, faster site management with Drupal 10.
